The instructions for submitting this form (if required) are included in 7 CFR 1726, Electric System Construction Policies and Procedures.
Fld Name / |
Instruction |
First and Second Blanks |
Enter the name and title of the signer. |
Third Blank |
Enter name of contractor. |
Fourth Blank |
Enter the number of the contract. |
Fifth and Sixth Blanks |
Enter the date of the original contract. |
Seventh Blank |
Enter name of RUS Borrower (Owner). |
Eighth Blank |
Enter Borrower’s (Owner’s) RUS designation (e.g., AL001). |
Ninth and Tenth Blanks |
Enter the date of the construction inventory. |
Eleventh Blank |
Enter the amount of the completed Section. |
Signature Block |
Enter the date signed. (Sign printed copy.) |